Ala Ela is a 2014 Telugu Movie Directed by Aneesh Krishna, Produced by Ashok Vardhan, Starring by Rahul Ravindran, Hebah Patel, Vennela Kishore, Kushi, Bhanu Sri Mehra, Shani Salmon. In this Rahul Ravindran is named as Karthik, Khushi as Divya, Heebah Patel as Karthik. Karthik has a grand father and he was forced to fulfil last wish of his grandfather. Karthik meets Shruti and then Divya. The rest of the story is about what happens when Karthik realises that he has feelings for Shruti instead of Divya. Music was composed by Bheems Ceciroleo and Lyrics for the songs were written by Sirivennela Seetharama Sastry, Vanamali and Bheems Ceciroleo.
- Movie - Ala Ela
- Director - Aneesh Krishna
- Producer - Ashok Vardhan
- Starring - Rahul Ravindran, Hebah Patel, Vennela Kishore, Kushi, Bhanu Sri Mehra, Shani Salmon
- Music - Bheems Ceciroleo
- Release date - 28 November 2014
- Country - Indian
- Language - Telugu